Week 8 ready to go

 A lot to do this week. Learned how to walk on a leash and we did like Professionals.

Vaccinated & chipped by the vet. Healthy & chubby puppies.

The breed warden was here as well and attested it’s all in place and we are ready to go.

In Woche 7

The first car ride with mom was great and we had a visit from the photographers Bettina and Lars Bartmann. Photographing puppies is like trying to look after a sack of fleas and as they say it takes a village to raise a child, photographing puppies is very similar Kirstin and I are still working on our entertaining skills.

We have our final names:

HoG Enid Blyton

HoG Elliot the Dragon
HoG Edgar Wallace
HoG Elijah Craig
HoG Earl Grey
HoG Eric the Red

Chilling together

House of Grace Edgar Wallace

House of Grace Elijah Craig

House of Grace Enid Blyton

House of Grace Eric the Red

House of Grace Elliot the Dragon

House of Grace Edgar Wallace

House of Grace Enid Blyton

House of Grace Enid Blyton

House of Grace Eric the Red

House of Grace Elliot the Dragon

House of Grace Edgar Wallace

House of Grace Enid Blyton

House of Grace Earl Grey

House of Grace Eric the Red

House of Grace Elliot the Dragon

House of Grace Elijah Craig

House of Grace Enid Blyton

House of Grace Earl Grey und Elliot the Dragon

House of Grace Edgar Wallace

House of Grace Elijah Craig

House of Grace Enid Blyton

House of Grace Earl Grey

In week 6

The outside area has been redesigned and we are increasingly making the garden unsafe.

Move forward boldly, head into the ball pit

The nest swing is also popular.

He likes the gentle swing.

Guests at the fence

Games and fun in the garden and terrace.

camouflage Whippets

Who is running around the corner?

In Week 5

more visitors, more cuddling and exploring the garden for the first time.

Look, how sweet I am.

Bathing in Puppies

Predator feeding

Independently in the garden area.

It's best to sleep together!

In week 4

Let's expand the radius of action. The puppies spend a few minutes in front of the door every day, together with the Akarana Coton puppies.
The first visitors were already there and spent a relaxing afternoon with us.
This week we had a visit from Zoe and Felix and were able to make our first contacts with children and also had our first real meal.

Mr Blue vorm Haus des Aussenbereiches

Chill out mit Mama.

Rüde Nummer 5 war eindeutig verliebt in Zoe.

Im Gänsemarsch der Mama nach.

Kuscheln mit Mama

Unsere Kleine schläft mit Felix zusammen.

14 Stück zusammen. Man kann ja nicht früh genug gegen Rassismus vorgehen.

Kuscheln mit Mama

Wenn alles schläft war es gut 😊 

Quinny übernimmt den Nanny-Job für alle temporär.

Die erste Kibbelmahlzeit.

Ein Haufen voller Freude.

Kind und Hund, alle glücklich.

Agility continues to increase

The dwarves are now walking quite well and are happily exploring the entire puppy area.
We make changes every now and then and change details.

Neuer Zaun, andere Betten und ein neues Gimmick.

Und zusammen…

Schlaf der Gerechten. 

Kuscheln mit Mama

Rüde 5 schläft mit Mama

Kuscheln mit Mama

Rüde 1 unterwegs

Halbschwester Coco hilft aus während dem täglichen Bettenwechsel. 

Hello World!

day 15 the little eyes opened. The weight gain is still great. The little ones will get more and more mobile. Actually already practicing to stand up.

male 1

male 5

male 2

Our Girl

male 3

male 4

male 5

Photos from the first week

Our little gang got through the first week well. Everyone is gaining weight well, the first ones have already doubled their birth weight after this first week and their little noses are already starting to pigment.

The first claw care also took place after the first few days in order to optimally protect Grace's teats.

On September 15th our E-litter is born

We welcome 5 male dogs and 1 female dog to our House of Grace family.